Add an Enterprise license to Vault, Consul, Nomad, or Boundary with environment variables, a license file, or a configuration value.
Secure multi-tenancy with namespaces
This tutorial provides guidance in creating a multi-tenant environment.
Vault namespace and mount structuring guide
HashiCorp's recommended approach to structuring Vault Enterprise Namespaces.
Secrets management across namespaces without hierarchical relationship
Explore how you can share secrets across multiple independent namespaces where policies cannot reach one another.
Move secrets engines and auth methods across namespaces
Walk you through the steps to move secrets engines and auth methods from one mount path to another along with existing data.
Disaster recovery replication setup
This tutorial demonstrates step-by-step instruction of setting up disaster
recovery (DR) replication.
Disaster recovery replication failover and failback
Learn how to failover in a Disaster Recovery Replication environment and then failback to original operating state.
Performance standby nodes
Learn about the performance standby nodes which can scale your Vault cluster for read-only operations.
Setting up performance replication
Learn how to set up and manage Vault Enterprise Performance Replication.
Performance replication with paths filter
This tutorial demonstrates how to selectively filter out secret mounts from being replicated across datacenters with Performance Replication.
Monitoring Vault replication
Learn how to check the health of your Vault replication setup and troubleshoot if a problem occurs.
Troubleshoot and tune enterprise replication
Learn how to troubleshoot and tune enterprise replication.
Protecting Vault with resource quotas
Resource quotas allows the Vault operators to implement protections against
misbehaving applications and Vault clients overdrawing resources from Vault.
Codify management of Vault Enterprise using Terraform
Use HashiCorp Terraform's Vault provider to codify Vault management to
increase repeatability while reducing human errors.
PKI secrets engine with managed keys
Demonstrate the use of managed keys allowing PKI secrets engine to delegate
the private key management to the trusted external KMS.
Sentinel policies
Vault Enterprise supports Sentinel to provide a rich set of access control
functionality. This tutorial walks through the creation and use of role
governing policies (RGPs) and endpoint governing policies (EGPs).
Sentinel HTTP import
Learn about the Sentinel HTTP import, which enables use of HTTP-accessible data from outside the runtime. Explore related Vault server configuration and create an example Endpoint Governing Policy.
Control groups
Vault Enterprise has support for control group authorization which adds
additional authorization factors to be required before satisfying a request.
Transform secrets engine
Transform secrets engine allows generation of cryptographically secure tokens
mapped to sensitive data such as credit card numbers.
Tokenize data with Transform secrets engine
Learn how the Transform secrets engine's data tokenization works to provide
maximum resistance to data being compromised.
KMIP secrets engine
Vault 1.2 introduced a Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) secrets
engine which allows Vault to serve as a KMIP server.
Key Management Secrets Engine with Azure Key Vault
Learn how to manage an Azure Key Vault key lifecycle using the Vault Key Management Secrets Engine.
Key Management Secrets Engine with GCP Cloud KMS
Learn how to manage a Google Cloud Key Management Service key lifecycle using the Vault Key Management Secrets Engine.
HSM integration - seal wrap
This tutorial demonstrates how Vault's seal wrap feature works to encrypt your secrets leveraging FIPS 140-2 certified HSM.
HSM integration - entropy augmentation
This tutorial demonstrates the Entropy Augmentation feature introduced in Vault 1.3 which enables Vault to leverage external entropy provided by an HSM.
SAML authentication
Learn how to authenticate with Vault using SAML and an identity provider.
Certificate Issuance External Policy Service
Learn how to use the PKI secrets engine with an external policy service.
Vault Enterprise Secrets Sync
Learn to sync secrets between Vault Enterprise and AWS Secrets Manager.